Possible Outcomes

Each coaching plan and session is tailored to an individual participant, based on their situation, problem, and desired goals.

You will define and qualify the problem, set up an action plan, and ensure consistent integration at the introductory session.

Possible goals and outcomes of individual coaching can include:

  • Remove Insomnia
  • Learn to Develop a Personal Skill to Fall Asleep in 30 min or less.
  • Fall Asleep Anytime & Anywhere.
  • Fully Automate Your Sleep.
  • Gain Complete Freedom from External Sleep Aids
  • Reduce Daily Fatigue and Sleepiness

What does 1-on-1 Coaching Look Like?

Each session may include, yet is not limited to:


  • Review of the week
  • Progress and Problem review
  • Setting & Prioritizing the agenda of the course session

The Core:

  • Individualized Problem Investigation
  • Investigation of Sleep Influencing Areas
  • Theoretical Education and Practical Training
  • Scenario and Action Planning


  • Session Summary
  • Preemptive Obstacle and Problem Solving
  • Next Steps.

Choose Your Coaching Package

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I reschedule my coaching session?

Certainly! You may cancel or reschedule the appointment up to 12h before the appointment time without any cancellation fee. If you cancel the appointment or do not show up at the scheduled time then the credits will be considered used. Regretably no refund or reuse of the credits will be possible in such cases.

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment.

Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once, simply purchase the coaching again, or select a bundle of coaching sessions for a better deal.

I changed my mind. Can I get a refund?

Any unused coaching sessions can be fully refunded up to 6 months after the date of the purchase.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor or a physician. The complete content in my coaching is my recommendation based on my experiences and personal research. Although all approaches in this course are based on psychological and/or behavioral treatment you are advised to consult your physician before implementing the proposed approaches, especially if you are currently or have a history of undergoing medical or psychological illnesses or disorders that have a direct or indirect influence on sleep.

Sleep Coaching does not replace the care of a medical provider or the patient’s medication. Sleep Coaching has not been cleared by the Medical or Psychological Authority (e.g. U.S. Food and Drug Administration). Participants must consult with their licensed medical doctor before making any changes to their prescribed medication or another type of medical treatment. Sleep Coaching is not for everyone (see more information here). In the presence of another sleep disorder, mental disorder, physiological effects of a substance, or a medical condition, or if in doubt, consult your licensed physician before starting Sleep Coaching.

Some methods in the Sleep Coach (e.g. Sleep Restriction) can cause sleepiness, especially at the beginning of the course. Do not use or start the program in emergencies, or if increased sleepiness in your workplace or daily life could result in danger or damage to you or your surroundings. Examples of professional activities where the timing of Sleep Coaching should be done under supervision may include: driving (truck, bus, rail); activities where quick reaction time and/or high precision requirements in cognitive and/or physiological areas (e.g. air traffic controllers, assembly line jobs, operators of heavy machinery, surgeons, etc).